Setup your Badges

Create all the badges that you will link to offers. E.g: ‘Most Popular’, ‘Best Value’, ‘+250%’

Fields Explanation:

Field nameDescription
NameWhat is the name of the badge
IDThe external ID that will be used to link between the badge and the offer
TypeOptional types:

- Emblem: an external image
- Ribbon: css format - colors and text can be controlled by the user
ImageRelevant only if type = emblem. The image must be in a 1:1 ratio
Optional types: png, jpg, jpeg, webp
PositionIf the badge should be presented from the right or from the left of the offer
BG colorRelevant only if type = ribbon. Define the color of the ribbon
Test colorRelevant only if type = ribbon. Define the color of the text that will appear inside the ribbon
TextRelevant only if type = ribbon. Define the text that will appear inside the ribbon