About the Events Center

Publishers can configure an Event Webhook to receive near real-time events about key activities within the Appcharge system. These events provide structured data that allow publishers to track, monitor, and respond to significant system interactions, such as player logins, store navigation, and checkout actions. By leveraging these insights, publishers can enhance tracking, improve business intelligence (BI), and ensure timely responses to important player activities.

Note: To view the documentation for all of the events we offer, refer to the Events Center in the API reference.

Configuration in the Publisher Dashboard

To set up and manage events, follow these steps:

Step 1: Configure the Events Webhook

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integration.
  2. Locate the "Events Webhook" field.
  3. Enter your server's endpoint URL to capture event data:
    • URL: https://{publisher-server}/events
    • Method: POST
Note: The URL (https://{publisher-server}/events) is fully customizable and can be set to any URL chosen by the publisher.

Step 2: Manage Events in the Analytics Events Tab (Admins Only)

Once the webhook is configured, navigate to the Analytics Events tab under Settings. This section provides a comprehensive interface for managing events.

Note: This section is for Admins only. To view roles and permissions in Appcharge, refer to this document.

Event Overview: View all events, organized into the following columns:

  • Event Name: The name of the event (e.g., Login Land, Offers Shown).
  • Value: The name of the event as shown in the webhook they receive.
  • Category: The type of event, such as Login Events, Store Interaction, or Error Events.
  • Is Active: A toggle to activate or deactivate specific events.

Search and Filter:

  • Use the Search by Event Name bar at the top of the page to quickly find specific events.
  • Apply Category Filters to narrow down events by type, making it easier to focus on relevant activities.

Areas Covered by Events

Webstore Events

These events capture key interactions and errors within the Webstore. They include:

Login Events: Monitor player login actions:

  • Landing on the login page.
  • Selecting a login method.
  • Canceling the login process.
  • Successfully logging in.
  • Landing on the shop page
    View Login Events

Store Interaction Events: Provide insights into player behavior within the store, such as:

Error Events

Error Events: Identify and troubleshoot errors related to Player Info Sync providing details on impacted orders for quick resolution.
Note: Error Events are not player-oriented; they are purely technical events used for identifying and troubleshooting issues.

Payment Events

These events track activities and errors within the Checkout and Payment systems:

Order Events: Monitor the lifecycle of orders, including creation, payment success or failure, completion, and cancellation.

  • Creating an order
  • Succeeding on a payment intent
  • Failing on a payment intent
  • Completing an order successfully
  • Completing an order with a failure
  • Canceling an order
    View Order Events

Dispute Events: Manage and track post-purchase disputes, such as refunds and chargebacks, which may not involve direct player interaction.

  • Refunding an order
  • Opening an order dispute
  • Winning an order dispute
  • Losing an order dispute
    View Dispute Events

Full List of Events We Offer

ProductTypeEvent Name
Login Events
Login Land
Login Method Selected
Login Canceled
Login Resolved
Shop Land
Store Interaction Events
Offers Loaded
Offers Shown
Error Events
Invalid Property Error
Order Events
Order Created
Payment Intent Success
Payment Intent Failed
Order Completed Success
Order Completed Failed
Order Canceled
Dispute Events
Order Refunded
Order Dispute Open
Order Dispute Won
Order Dispute Lost