Cookies Purposes
Here is a table summarizing the various cookies used by our webstore with different vendors to enhance user experience and security:
Name | Type | Expiration | Vendor | Description |
fbsm_ | Cookie | 1 Year | One of FB cookies used for logging in and saving users info | |
fbsr_ | Cookie | 40 Days | One of FB cookies used for logging in and saving users info | |
mp_ | Cookie | 1 Year | Mixpanel | Providing Appcharge logging information |
_ga | Cookie | ~6 Months | Google Analytics, enables the service to distinguish one visitor from another | |
_clck | Cookie | 1 Year | Microsoft | Cookie created by Microsoft Clarity that gives businesses more accurate analytics |
__stripe_mid | Cookie | ~1 Year | Stripe | Stripe uses this cookie to provide fraud prevention |
otp_accessToken | Session | N/A | Appcharge | Appcharge uses this cookie to save the OTP token until the session ends |
Here is a table summarizing the various cookies used by our checkout with different vendors to enhance user experience and security:
Name | Type | Expiration | Vendor | Description |
mp_ | Cookie | 1 Year | Mixpanel | Providing Appcharge logging information |
__stripe_mid | Cookie | ~1 Year | Stripe | Stripe uses this cookie to provide fraud prevention |
Updated 6 months ago