Setup your Custom Domain

Learn how to bring your own custom domain to Appcharge

This documentation will guide you through setting up your custom domain for your web store. By following these steps, you can establish a branded web address that reflects your business identity. Let's get started!

Step 1: Create a DNS record (CNAME) to point at Appcharge.

  1. Appcharge is creating an initial store with Appcharge domain like:
  2. Publisher wants to change the DNS to be
  3. Publisher provides Appcharge with new DNS and ask Cloudfront ID Distribution domain name
  4. Publisher creates a new DNS record with the following specifications:
    • Type: CNAME
    • Host or Name: Enter the subdomain you want to use for your store (e.g., "shop")
    • Value: Cloudfront ID Distribution domain name provided by Appcharge (p.3)
    • TTL (Time to Live): You can set a default TTL or leave it as the provider's default.
  5. Appcharge is creating the SSL certificate for
  6. Appcharge is sending the publisher with the CNAME name and CNAME value for DNS validating just created SSL certificate
  7. Publisher is creating a CNAME record(s) on its DNS management platform ( with the provided CNAME name and CNAME value

Step 2: Change your DNS setup at Appcharge's platform.

  1. Log in to your Appcharge Dashboard using your administrator credentials.
  2. In the "Admin" section, change the value in the domain tab to the domain you created in step 1.