Player Authentication Webhook

POST HTTP request to the game server with an URL configured in the dashboard.

Note: You can read more about how Appcharge handles Player Authentication, and the Player Authentication Webhook, in the Guides section.
Response fields reference:

  • status - the request was valid/invalid
  • playerProfileImage - the profile image of the player
  • publisherPlayerId - the player id
  • playerName - the player name (optional)
  • sessionMetadata - Deprecated. This entity serves as a versatile container for storing any pertinent information related to the player's session. It will be sent back in the Player Orders Reporting web-hook, and Player Data Sync (if it's enabled). Can be of data type Object (Key-Value).

Note: It’s important to ensure that the schema on the receiving end is flexible rather than rigid. This will allow the publisher to receive any extra properties we may introduce in the future without causing issues or requiring changes on their end.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!