Player Order Reporting Webhook

Note: You can read more about Player Order Reporting in the Guides section.

When a player makes a purchase, Appcharge processes the transaction and ensures the publisher receives direct updates. This webhook is a critical part of the order transaction process, providing essential details that allow publishers to track and align their transactions accurately. After the player is charged, Appcharge sends a detailed update to the publisher via a predefined webhook.

  • Webhook Configuration: The webhook URL will be configured in Appcharge’s management dashboard.
  • Transaction Alignment:
    • Publishers should use orderId to create a 1-to-1 transaction alignment with their transaction.
    • Appcharge will create a 1-to-1 transaction alignment with the returned publisherPurchaseId.

Retry Mechanism

In case the publisher returns an invalid field response, Appcharge will retry sending the webhook notification up to 6 times over a period of 1 minute to ensure the request is successfully delivered.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!