Player Auth API for Publishers
Note: You can read more about the Player Authentication Webhook in the Guides section.
- The player chooses an auth method (FB, Apple ID, Google ID, etc) and authenticates themselves. Appcharge uses the provided App Id (FB), clientId (Apple), and client_id (Google), etc, on their frontend to get the client token. We also support internal user token and user name and password authentications.
- Appcharge supports FB, Google, and Apple login with both response type of code and id_token functionallities.
Note that Appcharge using by default the response type code for Apple login. in order to use id_token please let us know. - The webhook URL is configured in Appcharge’s management dashboard.
- The App ID per auth method is configured in the dashboard.
- The auth details are sent to the game server.
- A response is returned containing the following player details:
- Valid player or not.
- Publisher Player Id.
- Player Name.
- External Profile Picture.
v.List of currencies and their balance.
- Reference to FB, Apple, and Google Auth documentation:
For OTP authentication method please visit: OTP Authentication