
Import the SDK

To import the WebGL SDK into your Unity project, use one of the following methods:

  • Double-click the Unity package file in your system directory to open and import it into Unity.
  • Go to Assets > Import Package within your WebGL Unity project and import the Unity package file.

Configure the SDK

To configure the SDK:

  1. Go to Assets > Resources > Appcharge. You should see an AppchargeConfig file. If the file doesn't exist, create one by right-clicking the Appcharge folder and selecting Create > Appcharge > Configuration > AppchargeConfig.
  2. Select the AppchargeConfig file. In the Inspector tab, enter your information in the required fields:
EnvironmentThe checkout environment. Select Sandbox for testing or Production for live operations.
Checkout Public KeyThe checkout public key, located in the Publisher Dashboard. In the sidebar menu, click Settings, then select the Integration tab. Copy the Checkout Public Key value.