
In case of a failure, the checkout will send an error message via the interface callback:

An unique integer representing the errorA detailed description and explanation of what happenedA raw JSON string (if available) that may contain additional details

Available Error Codes

Error CodeTitleDescriptionTroubleshoot
1000HTTP_REQUESTHTTP request errorCheck your internet connection.
1001HTTP_BOOT_REQUESTHTTP boot request errorVerify your configurations. Ensure you have a valid publisher token and the correct environment set.
1002HTTP_SESSION_REQUESTHTTP session request errorThe session model may contain invalid arguments, or the configuration options may be set to a different environment.
1003HTTP_PRODUCTS_REQUESTHTTP products request errorThere was an error retrieving product price points. Ensure you have at least one price point configured.
1004HTTP_CONSUME_REQUESTHTTP consume request errorCheck the internet connection and publisher token. Ensure that you have passed the correct orderId.
1005HTTP_NON_CONSUME_REQUESTHTTP none-consume request errorCheck your internet connection. Verify your configurations. Ensure you have a valid publisher token and the correct environment set.
1006HTTP_PRICE_POINTS_REQUESTHTTP price points request errorMake sure at least one price point is configured.
2000BOOT_INITIALIZATIONFailed to initialize checkout. Check configuration valuesOne or more configuration values are missing or incorrect. Verify the publisher token and the environment settings.
3000PURCHASE_CANCELEDPurchase canceledThe purchase was canceled. The player may have closed or refreshed the checkout window.
3001PURCHASE_ALREADY_CANCELEDPurchase already canceledA purchase that was already canceled is being re-canceled. The checkout window may have been minimized, leading to automatic cancellation.
3002PURCHASE_CLOSED_AND_CANCELEDPurchase closed and canceledThe player closed the checkout window, causing the purchase and session to be canceled.
3003PURCHASE_FAILEDPurchase failedCheck logs or error event data for the reason behind the failure.
9999UNKNOWN_ERRORAn unknown error occurIf the issue persists, contact support.