Checkout Webhooks

The AppCharge Checkout solution offers a range of webhooks to help publishers monitor and manage player activities, orders, and financial events in real-time. These webhooks provide valuable insights into player interactions and the financial flow of transactions within the platform:

Player Orders Reporting Events: This webhook provides periodic reports on all player orders, including detailed summaries of the transactions, to help publishers track order trends and manage inventory.)

Player Order Events: These webhooks notify the publisher of player order actions, such as the creation, update, or cancellation of an order, ensuring real-time visibility into the player's purchasing behavior.

Financial Reporting Events: This webhook delivers regular updates on the financial status of orders, including payment completions, refunds, and chargebacks, enabling publishers to maintain accurate financial records.

Analytics Reporting Events: This webhook sends aggregated data related to player interactions and checkout performance, providing publishers with analytics to optimize sales and enhance user experience.