Now, initialize the Checkout via the Bridge instance:
bridge.init(this, configModel, customerId, gaid, object : ICheckoutPurchase {
override fun onInitialized() {
onResult("Initialize Complete")
override fun onInitializeFailed(error: ErrorMessage) {
onResult("Initialization failed - $error")
override fun onPurchaseSuccess(order: OrderResponseModel, sessionMetadata: String)
// Handle purchase success
// SessionMetadata Holds the metadata information of the order
runOnUiThread {
onResult("Purchase complete $order")
override fun onPurchaseFailed(error: ErrorMessage, sessionMetadata: String) {
// Handle purchase failure
// SessionMetadata Holds the metadata information of the order
runOnUiThread {
onResult("Purchase fail - $error")
override fun onPricePointsSuccess(pricePoints: PricePointsModel) {
runOnUiThread {
onResult("Price points complete - $pricePoints")
override fun onPricePointsFail(error: ErrorMessage) {
runOnUiThread {
onResult("Price points fail - $error")
override fun onPurchaseConsumed(consumed: Boolean) {
runOnUiThread {
if (consumed) {
onResult("Purchase Consumed success")
else {
onResult("Purchase Consumed failed")
The bridge initialization requires three arguments:
Argument | Description |
Context | The current/main Activity context |
ConfigModel | Configuration options for initialization |
customerId | Customer Identification |
gaid | Google Advertising ID |
ICheckoutPurchase | Checkout interface will be used as callback |
The ICheckoutPurchase interface exposes 6 methods:
Method | Description |
onInitialized | Triggered when checkout initialization is complete. |
onInitializeFailed | Triggered when checkout initialization failed. |
onPurchaseSuccess | Triggered when checkout initialization is successfully completed. |
onPurchaseFailed | Triggered when the purchase has failed. An error message will be presented. |
onPricePointsSuccess | Triggered when the price points have successfully been retrieved. |
onPricePointsFail | Triggered when no price points are available, could not be retrieved. |
onPurchaseConsumed | Triggered when the consumed action is either successful or has failed. The consumed argument indicates whether the action was a success or a failure. |