Change Log

Please download the latest Unity SDK version to get started with the SDK integration into your game. Follow the instructions to ensure a smooth setup process.

Unity SDK Version 3.2.0

Release notes:

  1. Added the ability to change quantity display
  2. Added support for error codes and exposed ErrorCode enum
  3. Improved error handling for consume

Unity SDK Version 3.1.0

Release notes:

  1. Added support for none-consumed order list.

Unity SDK Version 3.0.0

Release notes:

  1. Support for immersive fullscreen checkout.
  2. Enhanced callbacks through the interface.
  3. Callbacks now support objects instead of raw data.
  4. Streamlined and simplified configuration options.
  5. Improved initialization method.
  6. Enhanced error handling with codes and messages.
  7. API exposure for price points.
  8. Support for awarding/consuming via orderId.

Unity SDK Version 2.1.0

Release notes:

  1. Closing the checkout window, will also cancel the order.
  2. Modified SDK configuration file to preserve environment data.
  3. Exposed sessionMetadata for the product.
  4. Internal improvements and ability to update remote components.

Unity SDK Version 2.0.6

Release notes:

  1. Response messages are now in dictionary format.
  2. We added an error event to support general errors.
  3. Performance and stability.

Unity SDK Version 2.0.4

Release notes:

  1. Added support for many APMs.
  2. Enhanced the UI elements for the checkout screen.
  3. Fixed a few bugs.

Unity SDK Version 1.0.3


  1. Contact the Appcharge team to get access to the Unity SDK download link.
  2. Extract the downloaded files to your preferred directory.
  3. Follow the integration guide provided within the downloaded files to integrate the SDK into your Unity project.

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please refer to our support page or contact our support team.