Launch Checkout

Setup the Product

In this step, create the product and configure its name, price, and additional information:

val model = SessionRequestModel(  
    "John Doe",
    "[email protected]",
    "Coin Pack Bundle"  

Session Request Model Arguments

ArgumentIs MandatoryDescription
customerIdyesThe name or identifier of the customer.
emailnoThe customer's email address. Although not mandatory, providing it helps expedite the payment process.
priceyesThe price in cents, which will be converted by Appcharge.
currencyyesThe currency used for the transaction, e.g., usd, eur.
offerNameyesThe name of the offer.
offerSkuyesThe SKU number or text for the offer.
offerAssetUrlnoA URL to display an image for the offer.
offerDescriptionyesA description for the offer

Session Metadata (Optional)

The session metadata allows you to add extra data for BI (Business Intelligence) and tracking purposes.

// Option 01: Use to get a parsable object string
model.addSessionMetadata(key: String, value: String)
// Example usage
model.addSessionMetadata("sessionDetails", "details...")
// Example Output
	"sessionMetadata": "{\"sessionDetails\":\"details...\"}"

// Option 02: Use to get any string
model.sessionMetadata = "{...}"
// Example usage
model.sessionMetadata = "{ \"sessionDetails\": \"details...\" }"
// Example output
		sessionMetadata: { "sessionDetails": "details..." }


Adding Items to the Offer

At least one item must be added to the offer.

val model = SessionRequestModel(...) // Your session model

    "300 Coins Booster"

Offer Item Arguments

ArgumentIs MandatoryDescription
namemandatoryThe name for the item
assetUrlmandatoryAn image asset for displaying the item
skumandatoryThe item SKU
quantitymandatoryAmount of quantity for purchase. For example, if the name is "Coins" and the quantity is 300 then it it will be displayed as 300 Coins.
quantityDisplaymandatoryThe Quantity Display allows you to replace the item quantity with a given text. Leave it as empty string to keep the quantity amount.

Open Checkout

In this final step, open the checkout by passing the product model to it:


At runtime, a new window will open, guiding the user through the purchase process. Based on user interaction, the following interface methods will be triggered:

OnPurchaseSuccessTriggered when the user successfully completes the purchase.
OnPurchaseFailedTriggered when the checkout window is closed or if an error occurs during the purchasing process.