Launching Checkout

Create a checkout model by using the following code snippet:

AppChargeCheckoutModel checkoutModel = new AppChargeCheckoutModel(...);

Parameters required for the checkout model:

customerIdstringThe name of the customer
customerEmailstringCustomer email address
pricefloatOffer price (in cents)
currencystringOffer price currency. For example: "usd", "eur"
offerNamestringThe name of the offer
offerSkustringOffer's sku
offerAssetUrlstringAn image URL for the offer
offerDescriptionstringOffer's description

Add a set of items (bundle) as followed:

Note: At least one item must be included.

// Utilize the model by adding extra items

Here are the parameters needed for creating an item:

itemNameThe name of the item
assetUrlAn image which represents the item
itemSkuItem's sku
itemAmountItem's Quantity


// Prepare checkout model
string customerId = "JohnDoe";
string customerEmail = "[email protected]";
int price = 129; // in USD cents 
string currency = "usd";
string offerName = "BestDealPackage"; 
string offerSku = "best_deal_package";
string offerAssetUrl = "";
string offerDescription = "Coin Pack Bundle";

// Declare a model for getting session token
checkoutModel = new RequestModel(

// Utilize the model by adding extra items
string itemName = "Coins";
string itemAssetUrl = "";
string itemSku = "coins";
int itemAmount = 300;
checkoutModel.AddItem(itemName, itemAssetUrl, itemSku, itemAmount);

Open the checkout using the checkoutModel:


This function should be called when a user presses a button in your in-game store and once you initialized the checkoutModel.

Configure Success Screen and Close Checkout

To use the Appcharge success screen:

  1. Locate the AppChargeConfig file in the folder Assets/Resources/AppCharge.
  2. Turn on the success screen toggle.
  3. Listen to the CheckoutEvents.OnOrderSuccess event, and wait 1.5 seconds for the animation to finish running.
  4. Close the Appcharge SDK using the AppchargeManager.Close function.

To use your own Success screen:

  1. Locate the AppChargeConfig file in the folder Assets/Resources/AppCharge.
  2. Turn off the success screen toggle.
  3. Listen to the CheckoutEvents.OnOrderSuccess event.
  4. Close the Appcharge SDK using the AppchargeManager.Close function.
  5. Show your own success screen. For example:
AppchargeManager.ListenToEvent(CheckoutEvents.OnOrderSuccess, (Dictionary<string, string> args) =>
            Debug.Log("Checkout Success triggered");
            AppchargeManager.Close(); // Close the checkout