
Seamless Login Using Deeplink

The seamless login using a deep link solution allows the publisher to share a deeplink to the webstore directly from the game application, without requiring the player to authenticate. By clicking the link within the app, the player is redirected to the webstore, bypassing the login screen.

To enhance direct communication with players, consider sharing the deeplink through various channels, such as in-game notifications, emails, SMS, or platforms like Facebook Messenger. This multi-channel approach ensures a broader reach and a more engaging experience for players.

Steps for Player Authentication:

  1. A deep link containing a personalized token is created and shared via the game app.
    1. The token should be used once and available for ~3 days
  2. The player receives a deep link via the game app.
  3. The player clicks the link, which redirects them to the Webstore. The Webstore extracts the player token embedded in the link.
  4. The AppCharge platform triggers a deeplink Player Auth request to the publisher via the configured webhook with the extracted player token.
  5. The publisher receives the token, approves the player, and completes the authentication.
  6. The publisher invalidates the token after approving the player's authentication


  1. https://publisher-web-store/login?proofKey=xxxx
  2. If used with the accessToken:
    1. https://publisher-web-store/login?proofKey=xxxx&accessToken=yyyy