Offers Loaded Events

This webhook is triggered once when the store is loaded, informing the publisher which offers are made available to the player. It provides a snapshot of all offers that the player can see upon loading the store, but it does not track real-time activity like scrolling or browsing.

Webhook Endpoint

  • URL: https://{publisher-server}/events
  • Method: POST

Event Data Structure

The following data will be included in the report:

  • event (string): The type of event related to the offer. Possible values are:
    • offers_shown: Indicates an offer was shown to a player.
    • offers_loaded: Indicates that offers were loaded.
  • timestamp (string): The time when the event occurred.
  • playerId (string): The unique identifier of the player involved in the event.
  • appVersion (string): The game store version.
  • sessionMetadata (object): Relevant only to PIS users, the player session metadata object received from the Player Info Sync Webhook.
  • offers (array): A list of offers related to the event. Each offer includes:
    • publisherOfferId (string): Unique identifier for the offer.
    • offerType (string): Type of the offer. Possible values are Bundle, SpecialOffer, or PopUp.
    • offerSubType (string, optional): Subtype of the offer. Will only be sent if offerType is PopUp. Possible values are DailyBonus or PostPurchase.
    • pricePoint (number, optional): The base price of the offer.
    • offerIndex (number, optional): The index of the offer in the list.
    • products (array, optional): Publisher products. If sent, it will include:
      • publisherProductId (string): The publisher's product ID.
      • amount (string): The quantity of the product. Must be between 0 and 24 digits long.

Example Payload

Here is an example of what the payload might look like:

   "playerId":"player ID",
   "appVersion": "v1.",