
Impression events offer insights into the offers a player interacts with while navigating the store. These events help game publishers track the visibility and performance of specific offers in real time or when the store loads, providing valuable data to enhance player engagement and optimize the offer presentation.

Event Types

  1. Offers Shown: This event is triggered when a player interacts with or scrolls through the store. It reports to the publisher which specific offers the player is currently viewing. As the player browses more, new events will be sent, updating the publisher on what is being displayed.
  2. Offers Loaded: This event occurs once when the store is fully loaded. It provides the publisher with a complete list of offers available to the player at that moment but does not update based on further activity.

Configuration in the Admin Dashboard
To configure impression events, publishers can set up the Events Webhook through the Admin > Integration section. Under the "Events Webhook" field, publishers must input their server's endpoint URL, ensuring the webhook captures the relevant data.

  • URL: https://{publisher-server}/events
  • Method: POST