
The Offers Shown event happens in real time, triggered by player activity such as scrolling or browsing the store. It informs the publisher which offers are currently visible to the player. As the player interacts with the store, new offers may appear, and the event updates accordingly.

Webhook Endpoint

  • URL: https://{publisher-server}/events
  • Method: POST

Event Data Structure

The following data will be included in the report:

  • event (string): The type of event related to the offer. Possible values are:
    • offers_shown: Indicates an offer was shown to a player.
    • offers_loaded: Indicates that offers were loaded.
  • timestamp (string): The time when the event occurred.
  • playerId (string): The unique identifier of the player involved in the event.
  • offers (array): A list of offers related to the event. Each offer includes:
    • publisherOfferId (string): Unique identifier for the offer.
    • offerType (string): Type of the offer. Possible values are Bundle, SpecialOffer, or PopUp.
    • offerSubType (string, optional): Subtype of the offer. Will only be sent if offerType is PopUp. Possible values are DailyBonus or PostPurchase.
    • pricePoint (number, optional): The base price of the offer.
    • offerIndex (number, optional): The index of the offer in the list.
    • products (array, optional): Publisher products. If sent, it will include:
      • publisherProductId (string): The publisher's product ID.
      • amount (string): The quantity of the product. Must be between 0 and 24 digits long.

Example Payload

Here is an example of what the payload might look like:

   "playerId":"player ID",